"Password must be at least 6 characters long" (on a 19 character password). #insecurity
Posts from April 2014
"Password must be 6-16 characters in length. Please choose a new password." #insecurity
"Passwords may only contain numbers and letters (0-9a-zA-Z)." #insecurity
"Your password is case sensitive and must be 6-12 characters." #insecurity
"different from User ID, 8 to 20 characters, 1 letter/number. %,&, _, ?, #, =, no spaces, not case sensitive." #insecurity
"Must be 6-14 characters and contain at least one letter and one number. It cannot contain nine or more numbers." #insecurity
Brace yourselves, I will regale you with ridiculous password requirements. #insecurity
RT @hackernewsbot: “In a typical year the OpenSSL project receives about US $2000 in donations”… https://groups.google.com/forum/m/?authuser=0#!topic/mailing.openssl.users/-P4T62ml_1I
RT @effedparkslope: The streets of Park Slope today are nothing but a never-ending series of parents running after their kids on scooters.
RT @garbnzgh: Love that this elegant update to the MTA subway map includes NJT and LIRR: http://gothamist.com/2014/04/12/subway_map.php