(Best one yet) "7 or 8 characters long, at least 1 letter and 1 number, no spaces" #insecurity
Posts from April 2014
"New Password — Please enter less than 12 characters." #insecurity
"Must be 7-32 characters long, include at least one letter and one number, include some special characters or punctuation" #insecurity
"(5-12 characters)" #insecurity
"Your password can not be longer than 12 characters." #insecurity
"must be 6 – 14 characters long, may contain numbers (0-9), upper and lowercase letters (A-Z, a-z), and special characters." #insecurity
"At least one special character, such as: ! & # $ @ 6 to 16 characters. At least one letter. At least one number" #insecurity
"8-16 chars, both letters and numbers, not include spaces, special chars except < > ^ ` { } ~ =, upper and lower letters" #insecurity
"Passwords are case sensitive and must be a minimum of 6 characters. No spaces or % ~ < >;" #insecurity
"We suggest you write your new password down somewhere in case you need to look it up at a later date." #insecurity