New glasses from @WarbyParker! http://t.co/bkthl0tKwY
Just a guy using a flame thrower to melt ice off the sidewalk. NBD.
The surprising reason we have a 40-hour work week (and why we should rethink it)
dcoplin: Why disconnecting makes you work better. (+ superb story behind the origins of the 40 hour week). http://t.co/NsGqLg4d4i (HT @benjaminellis)
RT @emily_benjamin: "There is a chance that hell doesn't exist. There is no chance that pork is not delicious." – @evansolomon
RT @KasparKlippgen: Why responsive design becomes more and more important 🙂 #ios #android http://t.co/cVw1RatG6x