RT @sacca: If these RSA allegations are true, people in both the public and private sectors should be going to jail. http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSBRE9BJ1C220131220?irpc=932
RT @sacca: If these RSA allegations are true, people in both the public and private sectors should be going to jail. http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSBRE9BJ1C220131220?irpc=932
I couldn't be happier about what some of my Holiday Bullshit went towards: http://cardsagainsthumanity.com/donorschoose/
OMG biggest game of @CAH EVAR! http://t.co/d2bgc1gjgi
Online tracking for @USPS is almost useless. 'Information Received.' 'Package Delivered.' Thanks, bro.
New glasses should make me feel like I'm tripping… right?
People in Brooklyn evidently have no idea how to parallel park.
Power and Responsibility | Nicole Fenton
KuraFire: Power, responsibility, databases: @nicoleslaw puts the most human face on access to data. http://t.co/Dcqwosa3wU [trigger warning]
RT @automattic: RT @photomatt: Dates for #wcsf 2014 announced, Oct 24-26: http://2014.sf.wordcamp.org/2013/12/18/wordcamp-san-francisco-2014-announced/
RT @Strynatka: Congrats to @foursquare, and glad my check-in data has more runway.. http://tmblr.co/Z6tpYy11fobBT