I see you, flakes of snow.
I see you, flakes of snow.
Time for new eyeballs. (@ Park West Vision) http://4sq.com/18soALW
Have I been pwned? Check if your email has been compromised in a data breach
Check if you have an account that has been compromised in a data breach
Looking forward to trying this tonight. Picked it up duty-free on the way home from Paris. #whisky http://t.co/PD4HlLEYeT
Let’s not beat around the bush; umbrellas generally suck. For a relatively complex invention, we’ve reduced it to its most basic, pathetic version when we’re buying one for $5 on a street corner in New York, only to have it snap in half a block away and have to buy a new one 5 minutes later. What would form your ideal/most perfect umbrella?
What else would make your perfect umbrella? Can someone get right on it and Kickstarter this thing plz? Kthxbai 🙂
* Image from here.
The Perfect Umbrella: http://dntd.cc/g8f (blog post)
Whoah new @foursquare app – NICE!
I have returned! The pilot turned on the American and declared "we're fixin' ta land!" http://4sq.com/18GvUJH