Posts from November 2013
How Jawbone’s New Bracelet Heralds the Future of Predictive Wearables | Wired Design |
How Jawbone’s New Bracelet Heralds the Future of Predictive Wearables | Wired Design |
Human_API: How Jawbone’s New Bracelet Heralds the Future of Predictive Wearables HT @rosenthal #DigitalHealth
Why Did 9,000 Porny Spambots Descend on This San Diego High Schooler?
Why Did 9,000 Porny Spambots Descend on This San Diego High Schooler?
Heather_R: This is pretty fascinating. RT @TheAtlantic: Why did 9,000 porn spambots descend on this San Diego high schooler?

JFK:CDG. Au revoir, Bon voyage, oui oui, etc.