RT @KuraFire: In Case of Zombie Apocalypse™, I want to live here: http://j.mp/1aGDQbF
RT @KuraFire: In Case of Zombie Apocalypse™, I want to live here: http://j.mp/1aGDQbF
RT @overgroove: OAuth! It's as easy as 1, 2, 3! 4a, 4b, 5, 6, 7, if 8 is not true go back to 2, skip ahead to 9 iii Section II Addendum 10,…
RT @amaliaviti: 100 days of @CitibikeNYC data, visualized: http://madebyfriends.co/citibike via @madebyfriendsco
Mad props to @TripIt for listening to feedback via @LinkedIn group, implementing, then personally letting me know it was fixed!
Last day working out of @DUMBOStartupLab today. Kinda sad — it's a great place to cowork in Brooklyn if you're looking!
I admit I am marginally concerned the Passport office shows no sign of my passport… and I have 2 international trips in the next 2 months.
RT @WikiStu: http://WordPress.com now #7 site in US! Congrats to users, @automattic team. http://wp.me/p2ojoi-oI http://t.co/uVfuqEE6Tf
Blog Post: Camping in Worthington State Forest, New Jersey — http://dntd.cc/fwy