A lightweight & efficient EventManager for JS in WP.
OH: "MVC All of the Things!"
OH: "MVC All of the Things!"
Scalable JavaScript Apps meetup. Standing room only, and the power is out 🙂 (at @Etsy Labs w/ 12 others) [pic]: http://4sq.com/16tVU67
RT @rachelhaot: There are now over 1,000 homegrown, locally headquartered tech companies in NYC. Discover #madeinny startups & jobs: http:/…
Nike Free Flyknits have laces whose only purpose is to make the shoe look less weird. http://store.nike.com/us/en_us/pd/free-flyknit-running-shoe/pid-726163/pgid-831869
RT @sacca: Attention, the Google homepage has a hashtag on it. I repeat, the Google homepage has a hashtag on it.
That sinking feeling when you bulk-buy 5 tubes of a new type of toothpaste… and it tastes really gross. #firstworldproblems
A lightweight & efficient EventManager for JS in WP.
RT @kadamwhite: "turns out, developers are horrible people" #oh in IRC
Pretty sure it's @Spotify that's crashing my entire laptop regularly, and that makes me sad.
RT @pamelafox: Has there ever been a proposal to add license related attributes to IMG tags, like license type and author? (Or to all tags,…