CoffeeScript is a little language that compiles into JavaScript.
RT @BiIIMurray: Once you've accepted your flaws no one can use them against you.
RT @BiIIMurray: Once you've accepted your flaws no one can use them against you.
RT @WPCodePoet: Meet @wonderboymusic and learn a bit more about some of the great features in #WordPress 3.6 Oscar:
On the good word of @wonderboymusic (@ Cobble Hill Cinemas for Fruitvale Station w/ 2 others)
Mmmmmmm #bluebottle coffee! (@ Cafe Dada w/ 2 others)
CoffeeScript is a little language that compiles into JavaScript.
RT @pmaiorana: Gravatars in Salesforce, if that's your thang
RT @jyhsu: "I Need Terrible Female Engineers" thought-provoking read