Mid-time after party for #backboneconf (at @Meadhall w/ 3 others) http://4sq.com/1bLh5WS
Mid-time after party for #backboneconf (at @Meadhall w/ 3 others) http://4sq.com/1bLh5WS
RT @kylemathews: "Backbone.js is the kernel for modern web development" #backboneconf
RT @zackbloom: Talk by @markwunsch is the best yet at #backboneconf
RT @jlazaroff: Here’s a gist with my notes from #backboneconf talks: https://t.co/XAEaMNr4l4
RT @jlazaroff: Good resource: http://backplug.io, a searchable archive of Backbone plugins. #backboneconf via @be_mann
Hey @wonderboymusic, one of your homies, @trevor_landau is up now at #backboneconf
.@jashkenas telling us about his favorite @backbone_js patterns at @backboneconf
And #backboneconf is officially rolling. Awesome.
Here for #backboneconf! (@ Microsoft New England Research & Development Center – @msnewengland) http://4sq.com/1bJmuO2