The best iPhone/bike mounting kit I’ve seen yet.

RT @PacificStand: An Australian court just eliminated gender as a binary proposition on official document
RT @PacificStand: An Australian court just eliminated gender as a binary proposition on official document
The best iPhone/bike mounting kit I’ve seen yet.
Why did I move again?
Credit card statements would be so much more useful if they listed something that vaguely resembled a merchant's name 🙁
RT @garbnzgh: RT @rsingel: Awesome. @abesauer invoices all the sites that ripped off a piece he did for the @Awl. One pays.…
Using a fax. Ugh. (at @TheUPSStore)
All you need to know about CSS Transitions
Nice primer on CSS3 animations from Alex.
RT @igrigorik: slides from my "Web Performance Crash Course" at #fluentconf: – network, critical rendering path, CPU…
Nice git alias to make the log output much more readable.