RT @dhg: IBM supercomputer Watson memorized Urban Dictionary and started cussing out researchers. He was forced to unlearn it. http://t. …
Posts from April 2013
RT @SiobhanPMcKeown: "Bad documentation is a bug." #writethedocs
RT @DapperDrDaniel: The man who wants nothing is invincible.
O. M. G. Took 4 hours for a professional to file my taxes. And I had all numbers needed when I turned up. Stupid tax system is stupid.
Should I feel better, or worse, that my H&R Block person is also having trouble with my taxes?
Tax Party woooooo. Ugh. (@ H&R Block) http://4sq.com/10AbnP2
Getting a new laptop simultaneously fills me with joy and dread. Joy because, shiny! Dread because, so. many. things. to. configure.
RT @lucethoughts: 'I' before 'E' except when there's a feisty heist on weird beige foreign neighbours reinventing protein at their leisure.
Yay for doing taxes in 2 states and a foreign country at the same time. ಠ_ಠ
Seriously H&R Block, are you kidding me? http://c.dntd.cc/image/3x2j131l3Z0n This is financial information. You can do better than that.