DropzoneJS is an open source library that provides drag’n’drop file uploads with image previews.

RT @bryanp: 1hr commute is > 30 work days of time per year. Imagine if that time was spent productively. Hard to say working remote is b…
RT @bryanp: 1hr commute is > 30 work days of time per year. Imagine if that time was spent productively. Hard to say working remote is b…
LOLz, someone at this cafe just tried to take a sneaky photo of my #WordPress-logo-emblazoned laptop. I see you 🙂
I like the single tables for #cafeworking (at @KosKaffe Roasting House) http://4sq.com/100uak9
RT @paultoo: Bitcoin may be the TCP/IP of money.
RT @hulu: You guys. Oldboy is on Hulu. Everybody panic like you haven’t seen the outside world for a few years. http://www.hulu.com/watch/483620
DropzoneJS is an open source library that provides drag’n’drop file uploads with image previews.
RT @jeamland: OH: “You can’t spell RESTful without STFU.”
Remind me to remind taxi drivers to never take the Long Island Expressway. Ever. For anything. Anywhere.