Humidity: 100%. Ugh.
Posts from October 2012
RT @wordpressdotcom: Improved Publicize
RT @timoreilly: Wouldn't it be cool if…you could engineer a better world? Inspiring video about the impact of the e …
RT @nateabele: Wow, good job idiots: "Free Online Education Is Now Illegal in Minnesota": /via @jperras
Seeing The Presets tonight at Terminal 5. First show at T5, interested to check out the venue.
Popcorn and Zombies.
So. Many. Redirects.
Every single reference to an email address I've ever seen has been spam.
A reminder to all #WordPress developers: wp_posts.guid is NOT a substitute for a permalink. Use get_permalink() to get a real one.
Apparently I'm famous — this guy randomly used my Gravatar as an example: (without attribution/asking).