"We have these things called aircraft carriers, where planes land on them" — @BarackObama #debate Oooohhhh snap.
Posts from October 2012
RT @developer: #SFGiants are up 6-0 right now. This ballpark is going absolutely insane. http://t.co/8XyjH4k1
I bet Finnerty's is BLOWING UP tonight. I should be there.
RT @mm: Giants Game 7, Obama Game 3. Let's do this.
I'm really excited for the new Media Management UI in #WordPress trunk. Go @koop et al!
Note to self: Look into using WP_Dependancies to manage code-load-order complexity for #Keyring (#WordPress plugin). /ht @westi
Booooo. All of the servers that are supposed to be powering http://movies.netflix.com are down. @AWSCloud outage? Or just @Netflix?
Handy reference for responsive web design; device resolutions: http://dntd.cc/resres
Interesting project. Passively track all of your movements. Simple API and @foursquare integration http://openpaths.cc #keyring
Breakfast Burrito! (@ Café de La Esquina w/ 2 others) http://4sq.com/XGIIpq