Icy delicious. (@ People's Pops) http://4sq.com/RvwYAG
Icy delicious. (@ People's Pops) http://4sq.com/RvwYAG
Let's do this #burritofriday. I have high hopes. (@ La Taqueria De Los Muertos) http://4sq.com/Q8OUUN
It's OK everyone #burritofriday is not lost — there's still dinner to be had!
RT @ray_i_am: I guess it's official! So glad to join the @buddypress team with @jjj @boone and @pgibbs. The BuddyPress community is trul …
RT @photomatt: Automattic is hiring a Story Wrangler, could be you or someone you know? http://automattic.com/work-with-us/story-wrangler/
Steak. It's what's for lunch. http://t.co/yfYUewZc
In case you were wondering: cold brew coffee + soda water is disgusting.
How-To: Cut a wine bottle in 30 seconds: http://blog.makezine.com/archive/2010/03/how-to-cut-a-wine-bottle-in-30-seco.html via @make
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