Hey @TicketMaster, considering the extortionist fees you charge, you think you could redesign your tickets so I can read ANY useful info?
Hey @TicketMaster, considering the extortionist fees you charge, you think you could redesign your tickets so I can read ANY useful info?
"May I say something to you? And I say this with an unblemished record of staunch heterosexuality" — George Costanza
Croque Madame o'clock. (@ Bouchon Bakery w/ 4 others) http://t.co/DIyZVaCu
I just reached Level 2 of the "Baker’s Dozen" badge on @foursquare. I’ve checked in at 5 different bakeries! http://t.co/qhB3UquS
I just unlocked the "Far Far Away" badge on @foursquare! http://t.co/JMObxvR3
It's like a super fancy IKEA cafe 🙂 (@ FIKA Espresso Bar) http://t.co/e0W9QVaA
I just reached Level 9 of the "Fresh Brew" badge on @foursquare. I’ve checked in at 40 different coffee shops! http://t.co/QQEUsGxi
Pretty sure Jessica Alba is at this flea market. Swoooooon.