Sweet bags. (with erika at Freitag) — http://t.co/msXcJfZF
Posts from July 2012
RT @shaynesanderson: Awesome RT @markjaquith: Announcing WP Stack: for professional WordPress deployments. http://www.knewton.com/tech/blog/2012/07/announcing-wp-stack/
Brooklyn #burritofriday. Local edition. (with erika at Yummy Taco) [pic] — http://t.co/cbjPAsLT
This OneCardToRuleThemAll approach is pretty cool. I signed up to try it. http://t.co/m6oOj107
Pro Tip: Don't place your coffee anywhere between your mouse and your keyboard. If you do, disaster is likely to ensue.
Greenhook Gin. Yummy. (@ Bar Reis) [pic]: http://t.co/BO0Zn9vf
This place is awesome. We'll be back. (with erika at Barbès) — http://t.co/F7lYHyy5
At @AARP, they're all about consistent messaging: http://t.co/AVKVxYQx