Posts from June 2012

So I'm in DC for the weekend where it's 100 degrees. Huge storm last night, and there's no p… (at Washington, D.C.) —

RT @dlsspy: Product idea: energy drink for programmers called "napreduce" – Also, please bring me one.

RT @CNNAmanda: #CNN confirms more than 2 million homes are now without power after a line of thunderstorms hit IN, OH, WV, PA, MD, DC &a …

RT @washingtonpost: BREAKING: Severe thunderstorm warnings in effect throughout D.C area

RT @skeltoac: Do you view blogs on a hi-res device? Or zoom in your desktop browser? See anything spiffy? We're jus …

I'm at Stormpocolypse DC (Washington, DC) w/ 40 others

Dude. Craaaazy windstorm just howled through DC.

I just reached Level 5 of the "Pizzaiolo" badge on @foursquare. I’ve checked in at 20 different pizza joints!