Recipe for a delicious-looking apple/cinnamon cake.

RT @iamdevloper: You want me to work with the Facebook API? I'd rather learn Coldfusion. And I don't want to learn Coldfusion.
RT @iamdevloper: You want me to work with the Facebook API? I'd rather learn Coldfusion. And I don't want to learn Coldfusion.
Recipe for a delicious-looking apple/cinnamon cake.
Just ate a burrito in exactly 4 minutes. Still kinda hungry.
Post-hike sweetness! (@ Scoops and Swirls)
Snacks, then hiking in Robert Louis Stevenson State Park. (@ Cal Mart Napa Valley)
Closing out a relatively unproductive week by killing a few hundred spam profiles. I guess that counts for something.
If you can't link to it, it didn't happen/doesn't exist.
Pro Tip if you're working with Facebook's API: they accept the 'oauth_token' param as well as their custom 'access_token'. Standards FTW.