OMGnomnomnom (@ House of Prime Rib) http://t.co/Sr5CfWdz
OMGnomnomnom (@ House of Prime Rib) http://t.co/Sr5CfWdz
Friday night. Yep. http://t.co/7DWwyAGv
OH: "I'm not saying my disability is worse than yours, but I can't see shit, ya know?" (2 guys on BART)
Shockwave/Flash in Chrome just reported taking up 16 *EXABYTES* of memory in Activity Monitor. Can haz memory back plz?
Yep, this dog is wearing a leather jacket! http://t.co/12ZrHCUH
“@golan: Yoga Breakdancing. No, really. http://t.co/P6AAsZLJ (RT @160B @fakeman17lovesU)” /cc @kardotim
Sweet *assault rifle* officer. WTF? http://t.co/HjfuJ2lf
I love the Net Income, Over Time chart (Trends) on @mint. Helps me get a snapshot on overall personal cash flow position.
RT @ryanqnorth: I was like, why don't people ruthlessly abuse exploits in real life like they do in games? But then I was like, oh yeah …