Tickets purchased for weekend trip to New York in a couple weeks — w00t!
Tickets purchased for weekend trip to New York in a couple weeks — w00t!
RT @Emergency_In_SF: SHOOTING: has just occurred at Market & 7th with at least 7 victims. City on "yellow alert" due to high demand for …
Pho sho (@ Pho Vietnam w/ 4 others) http://4sq.com/jNGTwb
RT @wordpress: WordPress 3.2 Release Candidate 2: http://wp.me/pZhYe-uT
RT @ActuallyNPH: I'd sure love to get married. Please, NY Senate, vote in favor of marriage equality today. My family would really appre …
RT @tellyworth: just lost a bet witd @photomatt. Now dave to switgh to dvorak.
RT @lampbane: GOD IS A TROLL: http://bit.ly/iMYRhm