Wooo – survived my first skiing adventure without breaking anything. Fun! Next year I'll have to come back and decide: board or skis?
Wooo – survived my first skiing adventure without breaking anything. Fun! Next year I'll have to come back and decide: board or skis?
@chexee yes ma'am! Until Sunday.
Back from snow-shoeing just in time for the snow to come down in Tahoe. w00t!
SF Blog Club Meetup (@ PeopleBrowsr: SF Command Center) http://4sq.com/eqA16b
RT @mhoobler: I'll be outraged about smartphones tracking my location as soon as I finish checking in on foursquare, gowalla and facebook
Bike Tilden Regional Park – Weekend Sherpa http://www.weekendsherpa.com/stories/bike-tilden-regional-park/ via @weekendsherpa
RT @beau: Beausplosion! Met my arch-beau @beaulebens at @typekit party.