RT @kellyoxford: Lazy + Smart = Efficient
RT @kellyoxford: Lazy + Smart = Efficient
With Delicious's acquisition, I guess I should get that importer for @WordPress actually released at some point…
RT @wordpressdotcom: Writing made easy with Writing Helper http://wp.me/pf2B5-1KA
RT @nacin: Congrats! Badass. RT @iandstewart: My first commit to WordPress core!!! http://bit.ly/g5aXfq
RT @jetpack: New update: Jetpack 1.1.2: http://wp.me/p1moTy-8B
RT @Dingman: wish @twitter had a "follow conversation" button so if someone tweeted something and got a response, I could view the convo
RT @Zee: "But how did you get onto the internet without computers?" http://www.kk.org/thetechnium/archives/2011/04/born_digital.php?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+kklifestream+%28KK+Lifestream%29&utm_content=Google+Reader
RT @wpdevel: 2011 GSoC Students Announced http://bit.ly/dNxEDW
Inbound delay on Muni Rail at Van Ness. All lines affected /tip @munidiaries
Find out why I spent a few days in handcuffs: http://dntd.cc/a3