PHP interface to Twitter Streaming API
Google Maps/Directions should do a deal with Uber for one-click "get a ride for this route".
Google Maps/Directions should do a deal with Uber for one-click "get a ride for this route".
RT @adactio: Something I've noticed while I've been in the US: the Fahrenheit scale just sounds like a random number generator to me.
Tinkering with the @twitter streaming API.
Booo. Nara says they can't accomodate a big group for birthday shenanigans. Probably should have checked that sooner. Now where?
RT @markjaquith: Soul magnets? Fate? Oh Fringe, you're making me sad tonight. I thought you were the scientific alternative to the X-Files.
RT @perivision: Twitter turn 5. So that means there are kids out there who can talk, that have never known a world with out Twitter. #h …
PHP interface to Twitter Streaming API
Adjustment Bureau. (@ AMC Van Ness 14 w/ 10 others)
RT @ioerror: Halli and I found (and fixed) some memcached integer overflow issues: #memcac …
RT @BestAt: RT @robdelaney: When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's LUNAR ASSAULT and it's not funny.