Posts from March 2011
RT @rosso: Wish all of you could sit in on the awesome WordPress training the @Automattic team is doing today for a VIP client 🙂
Who are all these people that taxi drivers are always talking to on the phone while driving? I swear it has to be a taxi-driver-party-line.
Presenting at WordCamp OC
I’ll be at WordCamp Orange County, presenting a session on plugin development, specifically looking at some of the more advanced things we did in Jetpack. It will be fun — you should go.
RT @ACLU: FISA Amendments Act: law giving gov't virtually unchecked power to collect Americans' internat'l emails & phone calls. http:// …
Huge thanks to everyone who came out last night and made it a great time!
Late night awesomeness. (@ Pizza Pino) [pic]:
Well tonight worked out very nicely. Thank you everyone who came out and I hope you all had a great time!
RT @jetpack: All Jetpack services are up and running again. If you're experiencing problems, please visit
RT @wordpressdotcom: All right—hit that Reload on your Dashboard. We're out of read-only mode. Thank you for your patience and support.