Big thanks @menslow for showing everyone an awesome custom post types project at the @wpsfo meetup!

Big thanks @menslow for showing everyone an awesome custom post types project at the @wpsfo meetup!
.@wpsfo WordPress meetup! (@ Automattic w/ @petemall) [pic]:
Police Training? @ Automattic
@hugobaeta OMFGBBQ, that is awesome!
When developing a new WP plugin, running it on a live site that runs trunk is a great motivator to always keep it "working" 🙂
.@WordPress 3.1 has been downloaded over a million times. In less than a week.
Have you seen "Legion of Extraordinary Dancers" on @hulu? It is… despite some amazing dancing… absurd!
RT @kanyewest: Don't ever try to sell me on anything. Give me ALL the information and I'll make my own decisions.
Back in SF! (@ San Francisco International Airport (SFO) ✈ w/ 39 others)