Epic touch sensitive game-bus-shelter from @yahoo at Fillmore and Clay (I lost, badly) http://yfrog.com/7bkh40j
Epic touch sensitive game-bus-shelter from @yahoo at Fillmore and Clay (I lost, badly) http://yfrog.com/7bkh40j
FSM FTW @ Kicklabs http://instagr.am/p/auw6/
“Sidestep is an open-source application for Mac OS X that sits quietly in the background, protecting your security and privacy as you browse the web.”
Tuned into 443.100 for SirenNet which happens every Tuesday, so that folks can report what they hear from the SF Emergency siren system.
Toy Soldier @ Thai Thai Noodle http://instagr.am/p/amRb/
I refuse to give in completely to American spelling. I write "M(u|o)m", using the RegEx notation for American+Australian spellings.
HAM Chat: "The holidays? People commit suicide. Summer? People drive fast, and don't wear seatbelts. They end up on the ground."
Listening to a HAM radio repeater while I work. Apparently it's "random Australian kids talk to Americans" time.