Holy bajonkers there is a massive line at McTeague's and the place next door (on Polk)
Holy bajonkers there is a massive line at McTeague's and the place next door (on Polk)
HIJK getting ready to start. \m/
Guy on stage just lit a joint and handed it to the crowd.
HIJK! (@ Hemlock Tavern w/ 4 others) http://4sq.com/4vhhLh
Guy here dressed as Mexican cowboy with 2 bottles of tequila in "gun" holsters. Awesome.
Fuerza Gigantes! (@ Behan's Irish Pub – Burlingame) http://4sq.com/9AJt5a
I'd like a simple geo-alarm app for iPhone. When I get near "x", trigger an alarm. Does this exist?
Programming is "the conscious, collective intervention of human beings in their own evolution" — Douglas Rushkoff
I want an option in GMail to "Go back to All Mail with this message selected". Helpful when finding old email "near" this one.