“Tropo is a powerful yet simple API that adds Voice, SMS, Twitter, and IM support to the programming languages you already know.”

Just finished recording a video for @wordcampchile. Wish I could actually be there myself instead! 🙂
Just finished recording a video for @wordcampchile. Wish I could actually be there myself instead! 🙂
“Tropo is a powerful yet simple API that adds Voice, SMS, Twitter, and IM support to the programming languages you already know.”
“The easy way to receive, pay and track all your bills”
It disappoints me that it's 2010 and I'm still hand-writing checks.
Amazing Brunch @ Red Door Cafe http://instagr.am/p/HaoF/
I just ousted Jennanana as the mayor of Red Door Cafe on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/8eazUJ
Chum Li v Guile (?) @ Kimo's http://instagr.am/p/HGyI/