The basic data from the Periodic Table of Elements in JSON format.
SFO:IAH then on to Florida for company meetup. w00t.
SFO:IAH then on to Florida for company meetup. w00t.
The basic data from the Periodic Table of Elements in JSON format.
OmniGraffle UX Template – Covering all the basics
Link to a template that covers all the basics you should be “designing” as a UX designer.
Completely by mistake, my coffee is not happy about today either:
Finally finished typing up summary notes from Tom Brown's Tracking School, Standard course. Total count? 47 printed pages.
Is it just me, or do these kids HAVE NO HEADS??
Idea: auto-updating farmer's market iPhone app to help find things (shopping list + map) and track how much you spend.
If there's one thing that makes a crowded bus full of Muni passengers talk to each other for a change, it's a crazy driver.
Nugget FTW (@ Grubstake Diner)