Wikipedia page on the vCard format, which includes a list of commonly-used private extensions (X-).

I think I ate a bad mushroom…
I think I ate a bad mushroom…
Apparently Internet Explorer throws a hissy JavaScript fit if the last element of an object has a trailing comma,
Turns out two entire chili peppers was excessive. But tasty.
Turns out two entire chili peppers was excessive. But tasty.
California St is a mess with construction between Hyde St and Van Ness.
Aahahahahaha. Oh. My. God. Old Spice guy is on Chuck! "Have you looked in the mirror lately? You're um… just quite impressive"
Awesome little bookmarklet that allows you to play Asteroids on any page and shoot everything on it.
Dear Process Name=mds (Spotlight), 2.51Gb of Virtual Memory is more than I would like you to occupy. Canhazbackplz? Kthxbai.
Neat trick to wax-coat jute twine and make waterproof tinder, from the founder of Hedgehog Leatherworks.