Federated Social Web Summit

I’m in Portland today and taking part in the Federated Social Web Summit, before attending OSCON for the next week. Today is so far packed with lighting presentations from all sorts of companies, projects and protocols in the space to bring us all up to speed. After lunch we’re going to all be discussing and looking at how we can put together all the building blocks and bring to life this concept of a federated social web. Here are my (long) notes on all the projects etc from the morning:

Apologies to any names I’ve misspelled, product names I’ve left out, etc.

  1. @evanpro
    1. Connecting people across different networks
    2. Network of networks
    3. Current model
      1. Get money
      2. Build network
      3. Make everyone in the world use it
      4. Win!
  2. Status.net
    1. Indexed BLOB for search?
    2. Linear timeline is main UI
    3. Most important 2 “objects”
      1. User/Profile
      2. Status
    4. Syndicates “remote” users into your local net
  3. Martin Atkins
    1. TypePad
    2. ActivityStreams
    3. Atom -> JSON
  4. Marcus: @versionvega
    1. Peer-to-Peer
      1. Decentralized vs Distributed
        1. Server to server
        2. 100% Node to node
    2. Based on “FreePastry”
    3. Generic “node” service (Distributed Hash Table)
      1. Routing
      2. Messaging (unicast, multicast, anycast)
      3. Data Storage (key/value, semantic)
    4. Avoid conflict by learning more about each other
    5. Don’t focus on re-implementing things we already have
      1. IM
      2. Blogging
      3. etc
  5. BuddyCloud
    1. Open source project
    2. Europe: Munich/Paris
    3. Social location: people and places
    4. Everything is a Channel (forum topic) which gets posted into
    5. Privileges system within Channels (ChanOps)
    6. XMPP-based
    7. “Almost” OStatus compatible
  6. Personal Data Store (PDS) Project
    1. Explicit and implicit
      1. IM
      2. Email
      3. Status messages
      4. Mobile tracking
    2. Personal Data Exchange (PDX)
    3. XDI
      1. Data model
      2. Protocol for communication
      3. Access control
  7. Open Action Network
    1. Non-profit space
    2. Groups moving actions between federated networks
  8. Open Social Platform (OSP)
    1. Privacy first
    2. Payment gateway for personal experience(?)
  9. Sebasitan: viz.net
    1. German privacy rules require full deletion of data
    2. Big infrastructure
    3. Header-based triggers etc written as an nginx module
    4. Identity being separated from activity
    5. Specialized services replacing the monolithic network
  10. Geoloqi
    1. Pre-entered text (TripIt/Dopplr)
    2. Explicit “Check-ins”
    3. Passive/tracking
    4. Temporal connections
    5. What is Geoloqi?
      1. Mobile apps for tracking location
      2. Server for recording
      3. APIs for accessing
      4. Triggers for delivery of data via callback URLs (geo-gates)
  11. Appleseed
    1. Working PoC of federated, node-based networks
    2. It is Diaspora?
    3. Sender-stores messaging system
    4. Targeted at $8pm hosts
    5. Joomla to Content, Appleseed to Social
    6. Protocol agnostic
    7. Pull, don’t push
  12. WikiMedia
    1. Identity on Mailing Lists (?)
    2. The data is there, it’s just not aggregated
  13. Chris Messina
    1. Activity Streams
    2. Based on atom feeds, but also available in JSON
  14. Cliqset
    1. Protocol-happy
      1. ActivityStreams
      2. Webfinger
      3. PuSH
      4. Salmon
      5. Remote Follow
  15. Joseph Smarr
    1. Bridge the island
      1. Keep using disparate systems, but connect them back to each other
    2. Topology of this system?
    3. Salmon as a key component to link everything together
  16. Paul: Mozilla (Drumbeat)
    1. Get people to help out making the web more open
    2. Cool things (discovery) can be creepy for users
    3. Activities forming the core of the site
      1. Events
      2. Groups
  17. Dan Mills (Mozilla)
    1. Account Manager
      1. Signed in/out?
      2. Who you are, etc
      3. Firefox 4
      4. .host-meta and/or Headers
    2. Contacts
      1. Person as a first-class object in the browser
      2. Sharing data from my connections (browser acting as “me”)
      3. APIs for websites to access my Contact data
  18. Diaspora
    1. OStatus
    2. GPG signed data between seeds
    3. PuSH for private messaging
    4. Currently using a custom messaging system, will go to Salmon
    5. Using websockets
    6. Very academic
    7. Building the network around the single person
      1. It’s an experiment
  19. OpenMicroBlogging.org (OpenMicroBlogger)
    1. Federation via RSS
    2. XRDS+OAuth
    3. WordPress plugin using OpenMicroBlogger
      1. “Like” with syndication
  20. PuSH (Google)
    1. Privacy: Plausible deniability
    2. Firehose
    3. Filtering
    4. Check out their wiki for more info
  21. Tantek Celik
    1. Itches & Scratches: build something that scratches an itch and you might get something out of it
    2. XFN
    3. Social Graph API
    4. hCard: post personal profile
    5. Sharecropping (profiles + data being shut down/disappearing)
      1. Post stuff to my own site so that I control it
      2. Falcon (server-based Twitter client)
      3. URL shorteners disappearing/creating problems within the web
    6. CASSIS.js (write JS and PHP that works in each) [kassees]
    7. rel-me-auth over OpenID
  22. sudoSocial (Mozilla)
    1. Controlling your stream
    2. Stream editing + publishing environment
    3. Bring young people into tech (simple access to customizing aggregated data)
  23. missed one; sioc?
  24. Janrain
    1. OpenID
    2. my.openid (?)
    3. Abstract authentication and normalize profile data from different services into PoCo, available via API
    4. Logins by Provider (breakdown chart)
    5. Janrain Federate (become an OpenID provider via Janrain?)
  25. Steve Ivy (DiSo)
    1. Enable people to use WordPress as a node in the social graph
    2. No longer a technical project, now more of an advocacy project
    3. Most options are provider/silo-focussed
  26. Rob Dolin (Windows Live Spaces/Activity Streams)
    1. All sorts of AS support on Windows Live
    2. Self on-boarding to pull in “unsupported” services via feeds etc
      1. Ability to publish into Windows Live
  27. OStatus
    1. Protocol
      2. Replies/Mentions
      3. Favo(u)rites
      4. Groups
    2. The Stack
      1. Webfinger: identity/addressing
      2. Portable Contacts: profile/user data
      3. ActivityStreams: action representation
      4. PubSubHubbub: realtime delivery
      5. Salmon: mentions, replies, activity
    3. Assumptions
      1. HTTP-based (XMPP?)
      2. Atom-based (JSON? RDF?)
  28. Dan Applequist, Vodafone (OneSocialWeb)
    1. Free, open, decentralized social network
    2. XMPP + ActivityStreams + vCard + XFN
    3. Access control on top of AS
    4. Interested in OStatus, Webfinger, XMPP v HTTP
  29. social web something
    1. Status.net + plugins to create a more Facebook-y experience
  30. Blaine Cook (Webfinger)
    1. How do you quickly, easily exchange (unique) identity
    2. Essential
      1. Decentralized
      2. Usable
      3. Globally Unique
      4. Globally Routable
      5. Free
    3. The web is about documents
      1. I am not a document
    4. Layer webfinger on HTTP with a From: header to verify who is making a request