Now a qualified NERT member! Official ID, helmet and vest to prove it.
Posts from July 2010
Birthday drinks for Tony tone! (@ Kozy Kar Bar)
Burrito Friday with @hanni and @scratchymonkey (@ Mexico au Parc w/ 2 others)
Why do people insist on talking into their phones like they're walkei talkies? That's an iPhone…
Just gave 2 units of red blood cells:
Donating blood; so should you if you can! (@ Blood Centers of the Pacific – Downtown)
PHP's empty() is biting me right now.
There are conspiracies *everywhere* if you look hard enough.
Big high-fives to the same neighbor who woke me up again last night. Great job, champ; sleep is overrated!
Tried out FlipBoard for my iPad to see what all the fuss is about. Know I know what all the fuss is about. It's pretty awesome.