1. Sara Cannon said:

    This makes me want to comment now just so my picture will be on there. I'm catching on to your scheme.. and now that I've said this.. oh wait! its on there now! 😉

    let me know when it's a plug-in. cool stuff!

  2. Donncha said:

    That's a great idea, I'll install that when you release it. I presume you can filter it by min number of comments?

  3. Beau Lebens said:

    I wonder if it'd work to have this like a heatmap, with people's Gravatars being bigger if they have commented more…

    • Ellie K. said:

      I like that idea, about making the Gravatars larger or smaller depending on comment frequency! How's about making the size of the Gravatar proportional to the number of commenter points? Or maybe that would be a good first project for me to start learning….

      • Beau Lebens said:

        If you're using something which stores points in the WP database under
        the \”karma\” field, or perhaps in the usermeta table or something, this
        would definitely be possible, and could create another interesting
        dimension for a heatmap approach. I really need to get this code
        cleaned up and released so that other folks can play around with it!

    • Beau Lebens said:

      No update just yet, although if you check out the page again, I havebeen playing around with it and improving the code a bit. It's prettyusable now, so I'll see if I can get a chance to get it on therepository over the weekend perhaps.

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