“A PHP library for OAuth consumers and servers. Complete with an extensible OAuth store, including a full working implementation of a MySQL store.”

Warning! Your credit card account has been compromised by bad judgment!
Warning! Your credit card account has been compromised by bad judgment!
“A PHP library for OAuth consumers and servers. Complete with an extensible OAuth store, including a full working implementation of a MySQL store.”
Mozilla’s spec for the new Account Manager addition that’s coming to Firefox 4
Account Manager coming to Firefox
“The Account Manager makes it incredibly easy for users to create new accounts with optional randomly generated passwords, and log into and out of them with just a click.”
OH: "I got a boob"
Reading the OAuth2 spec.
I'm at FUTURECAFE: convo abt social graph, discovery, augmented reality etc, guy on iPad + handsfree iPhone and another on a Kindle.
RT @WordCampSF: A few new posts on the WCSF site: http://2010.sf.wordcamp.org/
OH: "The scarcity dynamics are infinitely more scalable than the…" blah blah (I zoned out)
Oh joy of joys, it's time to get some fillings!