Apparently AsiaSF is where the entire female population of SF hangs out these days. Who knew?
Apparently AsiaSF is where the entire female population of SF hangs out these days. Who knew?
FYI, this is delicious http://yfrog.com/9fpr0xj
ForageSF Wild Kitchen Dinner – http://dntd.cc/93
Roomba (got it for my birthday!) on the prowl.
Bowl of coffee + hot cinnamon bread nomnomnomnom http://yfrog.com/0h3elij
To anyone who was trying to add LinkedIn on their shiny new @gravatar profile: it's working again now.
RT @wordpressdotcom: Gravatar-Powered Profiles: http://wp.me/pf2B5-JM [this is what I've been working on!]
It must be that time again… espresso machine, here I come.
Dear Photoshop, when I press ⌘-Q to Quit you, that's intentional. There's no need to report that you quit unexpectedly. It was expected.