Cool service that checks on the availability of different web services APIs.
Posts from February 2010

I want "geo-reminders" for my iPhone so that when I go certain places, it triggers an alert/reminder. Attach location to iCal. BOOM.

Hmmm power spike/outage reported in SOMA, Nob Hill and out to Presidio. That's widespread. What's up PG&E?

Wow. Today has been exhausting in a variety of ways. Must be about time to watch Krav Maga on Fight Science! 😀
“toc.js will scour your page for heading tags and build a table of contents for you.”
Google API Scopes
List of the ‘scope’ options available when requesting OAuth tokens for accessing Google APIs
Google API Directory
Complete listing of Google services with APIs, linking to developer guides, client libraries and references where available.

Anyone know of an iCal feed combiner/blender with intelligent duplicate removal? #lazyweb
OAuth Playground
Pretty slick tool from Google for tinkering with OAuth requests on their properties.
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