WordCamp Indonesia, 2010

WordCampID – January 30, 2010WordCamp Indonesia. The event was very well organized, with a core team (the same group from last year) involved in putting together all the logistics, handling media, organizing speakers etc. They handled things very well, despite a few problems which were out of their control (like bad name-tag printing and their stickers/WordPress buttons not making it in the mail!) and the day seemed to be a success for everyone.

Below are the slides and notes from my presentation, which covered the current state of WordPress, what’s coming up in the next release and some of the related projects. You can also get the slides on SlideShare. Click the link below the slides to expand my full outline/notes.

  1. Beau Lebens
    1. Developing on the web for over 10 years
    2. Working with WordPress for around 4 years
    3. Worked with Automattic since January last year
    4. Work mostly on IntenseDebate
      1. A community commenting platform for WordPress and other websites
    5. Contributed some core patches and active in developer meetups
    6. Run the SF WordPress Meetup
  2. WordPress
    1. Started as a fork of b2/cafelog in 2003
    2. Developed into the most widely used self-install blogging platform
    3. Focus on usability, simplicity, extensibility (plugins/themes)
    4. Evolving into a complete CMS solution
    5. Includes everything you need to manage a website
  3. WordPress 2.9
    1. Trash feature
      1. Posts
      2. Pages
      4. Media (Disabled/removed)
    2. Image editor
      1. Crop
      2. Rotate
      3. Flip
      4. Scale (resize)
    3. oEmbed
      1. Embed media in your posts with nothing but a URL
      2. Simple “plugin” system for adding more providers to this whitelist
    4. rel=”canonical”
      1. Hint to search engines
      2. Avoid duplicate content
      3. Improved SEO
    5. wp_commentmeta
      1. Store arbitrary meta data against each comment
      2. Currently stores “trashed” status in core
      3. Great for plugins like IntenseDebate!
        1. Will store information about where this comment is stored remotely
  4. WordPress 3.0
    1. Just another number
    2. The Merge
      1. WP + WPMU projects
        1. WPMU providing ability to host a network of sites via one install of WP
        2. e.g. http://wordpress.com, http://blogs.nytimes.com, http://metblogs.com
        3. Now this functionality will be a part of the core WP
      2. Completely hidden if you don’t enable it
      3. Upgrade available via Tools > Network
      4. Ready for testing — Please test trunk now!
    3. post_types
      1. New post_types added via plugin (or functions.php in your theme?)
      2. Basic menus created automatically or create your own manually
      3. Easy UI creation/registration via selection of “metaboxes” (from core options, or create your own)
      4. Shared edit/create UI framework with Posts/Pages (now combined)
    4. Menu Manager
      1. Design menus
      2. Include Pages, Posts, Categories, etc
      3. Use menus in themes via simple code
    5. 2010
      1. Twenty Ten
      2. Kubrick been in WP since 1.5
      3. Inspired by Cutline, based on Kirby, by Ian Stewart
        1. http://themeshaper.com
      4. Matt Mullenweg and Matt Thomas working on it
      5. Clean, beautiful
      6. Fixed width, 2-column, right-hand sidebar,widgets
      7. Custom header (a la Kubrick), upload your own background image
      8. Child-theme friendly
      9. Best practices/exemplar implementation for Themers to learn from
    6. Schedule
      1. Feb 15: Feature freeze
      2. March 1: Public beta
      3. April 13: Release
  5. Community
    1. Mobile
      1. iPhone
        1. 2.2 awaiting approval from Apple
        2. Comment editing, reply to comments from within the App
        3. Better comment moderation (and highlight in list view)
        4. Should be iPad compatible
      2. BlackBerry
        1. 1.0 release as soon as it’s approved
        2. Write & Edit Posts and Pages
        3. Edit Custom Fields
        4. Full comment management
        5. Portrait & Landscape on devices that support it
        6. Photos + Video
        7. Video posting directly to VideoPress (WordPress.com)
      3. VideoPress now supports 3GP and 3G2 uploads
      4. Working on other major platforms
    2. New Committers
      1. dd32 (Dion Hulse, Australia)
        1. Filesystem stuff
        2. Upgrader
        3. HTTP
      2. wpmuguru (Ron Rennick, Canadian)
        1. The Merge
      3. jjj (John James Jacoby)
        1. BuddyPress
    3. Trac Workflow
      1. Where you go to submit bug reports + help out with development
      2. Daunting for newcomers, easy to file bad tickets
      3. Hard for developers to keep track of everything
      4. Better documentation/process outline
      5. More active “gardening” of tickets
      6. New reports
        1. Denis de-Bernardy
    4. http://wpdevel.wordpress.com
      1. “Live” updates on the development process
      2. Summaries of “This Week in Bugs”
      3. Core team IRC meetup summaries + agenda discussion
    5. Core Plugins
      1. Provide major “chunks” of functionality that a lot of people want
      2. Teams of developers on each plugin
      3. Independent release cycles
        1. Don’t need to sync up with WordPress release
      4. 2 pilot plugins
        1. WP Health Check
          1. Confirm requirements
          2. Check capabilities of web host
        2. Post by Email
          1. Removed from core for 3.0
      5. Infrastructure
        1. Mailing lists
        2. SVN
        3. #wordpress-core-plugins on freenode
    6. Ideas Forum
      1. http://wordpress.org/extend/ideas/
      2. Closed ideas stuck around, poor voting algorithm, generally hard to manage
      3. Big upgrades this week
      4. Ability to classify/respond to ideas
      5. Better rankings/algorithm
      6. Much better at floating good ideas to the top and removing “closed” ideas
    7. Redesign of wordpress.org coming soon
      1. Educate people who are new to WordPress
      2. Introduce to the community + who’s involved
      3. Get you up and running much faster
      4. Jane Wells heading it up
      5. New UI/UX group
        1. http://lists.automattic.com/mailman/listinfo/wp-ui
  6. Inspired
    1. BuddyPress
      1. Set of plugins to turn a WP or WPMU installation into a complete social network
        1. Facebook in a box
      2. Now works on single-install WP
      3. Will work on WP 3.0
      4. New committer: John James Jacoby (jjj)
      5. 1.2 beta released this week
      6. http://bpdevel.wordpress.com/
    2. bbPress
      1. Simple, lightweight forum or bulletin board, based on WordPress principles
      2. Shares a lot of codebase + concepts
        1. Plugin architecture
      3. Matt M involved directly now
      4. “Revitalizing” the community to get back on track
      5. Considering future as Core Plugin
      6. 1.1 on the way
      7. New committers and active participants on blog etc
    3. GlotPress
      1. Provides a multi-user, web-based translation environment for localizing web applications (or anything that uses PO/MO)
      2. Based on “industry-standard” gettext tools
      3. Integrates with Google Translate for suggestions
      4. Installed and operating on http://translate.wordpress.com/
      5. Coming soon to http://wordpress.org
        1. Ability to translate plugins via web-based interface
      6. Testing on After the Deadline plugin po file
      7. Available for download/testing from http://glotpress.org
    4. BackPress
      1. Library of code, use it in your own project
      2. NOT an “install and use” application
      3. Extracted from WordPress during development of bbPress
      4. Perfect if you’re used to developing for WordPress
      5. Now used in…
        1. WordPress! (kinda)
        2. bbPress
        3. GlotPress
        4. SupportPress (internal project at Automattic)
        5. wp-trac-bot (on IRC)
        6. Some other personal projects, including one of my own
      6. Got a website!
        1. http://backpress.org
      7. Needs more documentation/tutorials on getting up and running
    5. CodePoet.com
      1. Automattic gets asked to recommend developers
      2. People are looking for professional support for their WP needs
      3. Directory of WordPress professionals
        1. Might cover other projects in the future
      4. Created/managed by Automattic
      5. Need samples of work and references
      6. Very basic right now, but lots more coming soon
  7. Q & A

I’d also like to send out a special thanks to the organizers who treated me to a tasty, spicy, Indonesian dinner at a restaurant after WordCamp. I know you were all exhausted from keeping everything running so smoothly during the day (I know I was tired, and all I had to do was get up and speak for a little while!), so I appreciate you shuttling me around and showing me some of Jakarta. Here are a few of the pictures I took during my trip, you can see the rest on Flickr.

WordCamp ID Press Conference WordCamp ID Press Conference WordCamp ID, 2010 WordCamp ID, 2010WordCamp ID, 2010 WordCamp ID, 2010

I’m in here for another day or two, so I’m catching up with an old friend from Australia, getting a bit of work done, then jumping on a plane back to San Francisco.

  1. Pitra said:

    Hi, Beau. Nice to meet you in WordCamp. Hopefully you can come again (with the rest of Automattic team :D) next year

    *still installing Intense Debate in my blog*

  2. Nice to take a photo with you on #WordCampID Mr.Beau 🙂
    And thanks for sharing knowledges about WordPress, WordPress 3.0 info, and other web tricks.

    I LOVE IT!

  3. medria_matt said:

    Hi, Beau! 😀 I am so impressed by your presentation, especially those related to WordPress 3.0 and Intense Debate. Great to know that WordPress 3 will allow for Multiple Blogs. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

    Hope to see you again in WordCamp 2011 🙂

  4. great to know you beau…

    nice event , but it'd be better if next time it's not all in one day.. or there will be a session specialized for developers.. Thank You 🙂

  5. WordCamp Indonesia 2010 « nurulishlah

  6. WordCamp Indonesia 2010 with Beau Lebens / ID-JAUHARI

  7. fachry said:

    Nice share Beau..and i’m totally agree with Panggi’s Idea..next time we should have a developer session on it..

    Hope to meet you again, with all Automattic team next year 😀

    Thank you

  8. fachrybfdl said:

    nice share Beau..totally agree about developer session next year

    it nice to meet you, hopefully can meet you again next year with all Automattic team 😀

  9. Yogi said:

    Nice to have you with us @ WordCamp ID mate. Would love to see you, Matt and the rest of Automattician @ WordCamp ID 2011.

  10. Media Ide » Blog Archive » WordCamp Indonesia 2010

  11. Cheers with no Beers

  12. In the name of Wordpress | blogor.org

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