UX guy from Drupal that I spoke a lot with at GSoC Mentor’s Summit, 2009.
Posts from October 2009
Managing News
Pretty awesome looking news aggregator based on Drupal.

Just watched Duplicity with Clive Owens and Julia Roberts. It was actually a really fun spy/heist/caper flick.
GSoC Mentor Summit, 2009
This weekend I attended the Mentor Summit that winds up the Google Summer of Code. It’s an event where up to 2 mentors from each organization involved are invited to hang out at the GooglePlex for a weekend, mingle with folks from other open source projects and see what happens. We discussed all sorts of things related to the Summer of Code program, in addition to a variety of other, generally open-source topics. It was operated as an unconference, so we made up the majority of the schedule as we went, and modified it as required.

OH at #mentorsummit: "Cage matches do not solve everything"

I'm pretty sure the most popular laptop here at #mentorsummit is an IBM ThinkPad. Yes?

Last session at #mentorsummit: Death by Survey; interesting stuff on successfully using surveys to gather info.

The Mac:PC ratio at #mentorsummit is much lower than any web-specific events I've been to recently (in SF specifically).

Lots of good sessions lined up today at #mentorsummit. Going to need a lot more coffee to get through it 🙂

Final look over my room then check out and back to the GooglePlex. #mentorsummit