“Swift, Secure, and Small PHP 5 Framework”
Posts from September 2009
The Duct Tape Programmer
Awesome article on the non-design-pattern, non-over-architecting approach to software development. It’s all about getting shit done, and shipping product.

RT @Heather_R: The coywolf is the new liger: http://bit.ly/VjF0p

A friendly PSA from the CamelCasePolice: WordPress contains a capital P. That is all, carry on, please RT 🙂

Umm, yeah, that's great. Tried to download Opera from opera.com… got a "Bandwidth Exceeded" message. What are they hosted on, GeoCities?

I am now the proud owner of a case of VB. Drinking shall proceed as soon as adequate coldness has been achieved.

OH at #cw09: "Twitter is the new Hello World"