RT @timoni: Friendfeed is nice and all, but I'd rather have those comments and likes on my [wordpress].
RT @timoni: Friendfeed is nice and all, but I'd rather have those comments and likes on my [wordpress].
Catching up with Gilesy over a game of pool and a couple beers.
Elbow == in pain. Got kicked right on the bony bit at Krav. Icing.
Sweet. GMail/Offline just freaked out and my mail all reverted to 4 days ago. Hoping that fixes itself…
I find myself checking Twitter and email on my iPhone before I even get out of bed.
Mmmmmm at La Terrasse (earlier today) http://twitpic.com/fx809
Listening to Anberlin http://anberlin.com and loving it, thanks for the tip @tizkai.
Very happy to be drinking a Blue Bottle latte to go from @oleasf (on my block). Not *quite* as good as BBC cafe, but amazing enough.
Little bit of work, some lazing around, then rockclimbing this arvo with the evil twins!
RT @wordcampla: Who's talking at #WordCampLA http://awe.sm/1InU (updated)