I'll be working from the main SF Public Library today. I have 3 words for you "Air" "Conditioning", "Wifi".
I just hope that Oracle buying Sun doesn't adversely affect the future of MySQL.
Wow – the line at Fisherman's Wharf In 'n' Out Burger is out the door. But it's gonna be worth it!
Amazing amazing weather here. Reminds me of Perth. (at Lafayette Park)
OK, tonight is officially over. It was amazing BTW. Anyone who wasn't invovled missed out. Huge Saturday. Tomorrow; Orthodox Easter.
Uh oh. This could get ugly! (at McTeague\'s)
OMG, I just shook Tommy's hand!
Tommy's, here we come. I hope you're ready for us.
I'm alive! Levine is an *awesome* instructor. So passionate and "into" Krav Maga. Lots of "meta" info as well. It was a privilege.