The internet would be a much nicer place without domain-squatters.
Posts from February 2009
Going to bed last night at 3:30am has, on the upside, produced an almost complete sparkline plugin/widget for @wordpress.
Oops – it's 3:30am. Who knew @wordpress widgets were so fiddly?
Annoying. Finished most of the functionality of sparkline plugin, but jQuery lib is rendering values incorrectly for some reason.. sleep now
RT @Viper007Bond: Sweet, can get rid of that GreaseMonkey script now:
For some reason, I was suddenly inspired to write a small sparklines widget for @wordpress to show post frequency (with context support).
DreamHost is getting ridiculous. I'm going to need a new web host soon. Suggestions?
#wordpress-sf meetup at @citizenspace seems to be winding down a bit.
Not gonna lie, it really bugs me when people describe themselves as a "guru" of something. Especially when they clearly are not.
Clipboard vultures on Market btwn 5th and 3rd, beware.