The skating rink in Union Square SF is pretty cool. And there's something satisfying about the sound of someone hitting the side barricade.
The skating rink in Union Square SF is pretty cool. And there's something satisfying about the sound of someone hitting the side barricade.
Headed to Union Square in SF during holiday season… wish me luck, I might not make it back alive.
“Soocial provides a one address book solution to contact management. No matter where you add or change a contact, it will be changed in your other connected devices or web applications.”
Using Subversion and the "svn switch" command to manage your WordPress (or other) upgrades is awesome. Want to get plugins set up as well.
Have arrived back at SFO. It's good to be home!
Sitting in MSP airport watching CNN RE: #Mumbai attacks.
ZOMFGBBQ!!! Watching Macy's Thanksgibing Day Parade and we just got freaking Rick-Rolled!