Finally spotted someone in the wild, hanging out at a cafe reading a Kindle. Welcome to the future.
Posts from September 2008
Watching a cute girl stare, entranced, as a guy with an Australian accent rambles at her. You go boy. Represent.
Dark knight!!
Giving up on @symfony forms for now. Off to Taco Bell, a birthday party then Dark Knight (finally). W00t!
Ticketmaster Math: 2 x $35 tickets = …… $99.30. Of course. Last I checked 35 + 35 = 70. F*ck you and your "convenience" charges TM.
Commenting on this Mashable article :
Is it wrong that I kinda want Taco Bell for breakfast? (damn you @tophmiller2 for putting it in my head!)
Thanks for fixing my background image @twitter! 🙂
Chillin' at the Big Grabowski's pad.
Introducing Heather to Twitter (OMG!)