Upcoming Fun, Cheap stuff in SF
Excellent calendar of fun and cheap events/happenings in SF and the Bay Area. Very comprehensive.
Watched the Couric/Palin interviews and felt sorry for Couric having to sit through Palin blathering about… whatever she was talking about
Upcoming Fun, Cheap stuff in SF
Excellent calendar of fun and cheap events/happenings in SF and the Bay Area. Very comprehensive.
Just talked to friend who rode bicycle from SF to San Diego, Phoenix, Colorado, Calgary, Vancouver. Will be here again in a week!!
Found this awesome site today that shows fun/cheap stuff in the Bay Area: http://sf.funcheap.com/?upcomingOnly=1
Just watched the Pilot of "The Mentalist" (CBS). It was actually pretty good. And has an Australian lead actor. Represent!
Enterprise Microsharing Matrix
Analysis of 15 microsharing (a la Twitter) tools aimed at the enterprise. Basis of DiscoTool?
My new, centralized OpenID and central identity hub, care of the badass Chi.mp
OH (The Mentalist): "I'm sorry, he irks me. He's irksome"
is starting to really appreciate some of the benefits of @symfony's ORM (and other helpers etc).
Working from a cafe, saw over a guy's shoulder that he's looking on elance. Hope he knows what he's getting into…