Over 120 tweets in the last 1.5 hours. Almost all of them were political. Twitter = business + fun!
Over 120 tweets in the last 1.5 hours. Almost all of them were political. Twitter = business + fun!
Just watching Couric/Palin interviews: ZOMG Palin/Biden debate is going to be redonkulous!!
Debate is heating up. Obama going direct at McCain, but McCain won't even look at Obama. #current
It's on. The debate has begun on current.com/debate
ROFL Classy! Guy working in cafe looking at porn (not in a corner) leaves the room to go talk on cell. Leaves porn open for all 2 c!
Fey's Palin was funny, but the real Sarah Palin is way funnier (in a gouge-out-my-eyes-and-scratch-off-my-ears-to-make-it-stop kinda way).
Uh Oh Major Twitter Failwhale! – http://snaptweet.com/341e4
SnapTweet :: Flickr Twitter Picture Posting – http://snaptweet.com/8c0fd
Looking forward to the debate tonight.
As an Australian & American citizen, I am sometimes too embarrassed to admit the American bit. Bush was bad enough, now McCain?