Ummm thanks for the advert with a hot stripper, dancing on a pole in her underwear CNN.com (Ask.com advert for "best aerobic workouts"??)
Ummm thanks for the advert with a hot stripper, dancing on a pole in her underwear CNN.com (Ask.com advert for "best aerobic workouts"??)
Who else is going to http://mashablemonthly.com? I'll be there, ready to rock out (and see my boss Pete off, back to the UK for a while!)
Didn't die from back to back #KML1 and #KML3, but I *really* don't remember #KML1 being that hard! :-/
Double-class of Krav Maga, here I come. Fingers crossed for no death or major injuries!
Only real disappointment so far with Canon SD 790 is that it doesn't charge from USB. Lame. Have to carry around battery charger.
Other than watching the continued collapse of the American financial industry and potentially the nation, today has been "nice".
Checking to make sure my Australian passport is still valid and ready to use, just in case America implodes completely.
Today's Mac:PC ratio at Nook? 5:0
Just finished watching The Shawshank Redemption for the first time. Really liked it.
Sorting out new digi camera! Canon SD790. Hopefully better than my ghastly Kodak V610. Also cool, $15 card reader from Best Buy.