Posts from August 2008
symfony CheatSheets
All known cheat sheets for symfony. Handy as quick references when you know roughly what you’re looking for, or want a visual representation of some concepts.

Just walked right past @factoryjoe on California St. Should have said hi. Hi Chris!

Taking simple pleasures in a little bit of dry humor in the Symfony documentation:

Triple-shot latte FTW

Stunning day in SF. I will spend most of it inside at a computer. FAIL.

Dosing up on coffee, ready for a long day/night.

Egg + cheese muffin makes the world go 'round. And now, to bed.

Waiting for CalTrain in San Mateo. Good times.

In San Mateo at a 1 year old baby's birthday. So much oooing and aaahing and isn't-that-cute-ing.